
Definition and Usage

The array_diff_assoc() function compares the keys and values of two (or more) arrays, and returns the differences.
This function compares the keys and values of two (or more) arrays, and return an array that contains the entries from array1 that are not present in array2 or array3, etc.


Example :



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Recover lost weblogic Password.


Reset the AdminServer Password in WebLogic 11g and 12c

If you forget the AdminServer password for your WebLogic 11g domain, you can reset it from the command line using the following process.
  • Set up the following environment variables. They are not necessary for the process itself, but will help you navigate. In this case my domain is called "ClassicDomain". Remember to change the value to match your domain.
    export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware
    export DOMAIN_HOME=$MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain
  • Shut down the WebLogic domain.
    $ $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/stopWebLogic.sh
  • Rename the data folder.
    $ mv $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data-old
  • Set the environment variables.
    $ . $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh
  • Reset the password using the following command. Remember to substitute the appropriate username and password.
    $ cd $DOMAIN_HOME/security
    $ java weblogic.security.utils.AdminAccount <username> <password> .
  • Update the "$DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/boot.properties" file with the new username and password. The file format is shown below.
  • Start the WebLogic domain.
    $ $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startWebLogic.sh

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This method returns the absolute value of a number.


Math.abs( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A number.

Return Value:

Returns the absolute value of a number.


<title>JavaScript Math abs() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.abs(-1);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.abs(null);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.abs(20);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.abs("string");
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 1
Second Test Value : 0
Third Test Value : 20
Fourth Test Value : NaN 
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This method returns the arccosine in radians of a number. The acos method returns a numeric value between 0 and pi radians for x between -1 and 1. If the value of number is outside this range, it returns NaN.


Math.acos( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A number.

Return Value:

Returns the arccosine in radians of a number.


<title>JavaScript Math acos() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.acos(-1);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.acos(null);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.acos(30);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.acos("string");
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 3.141592653589793
Second Test Value : 1.5707963267948965
Third Test Value : NaN
Fourth Test Value : NaN 
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This method returns the arcsine in radians of a number. The asin method returns a numeric value between -pi/2 and pi/2 radians for x between -1 and 1. If the value of number is outside this range, it returns NaN.


Math.asin( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A number.

Return Value:

Returns the arcsine in radians of a number.


<title>JavaScript Math asin() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.asin(-1);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.asin(null);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.asin(30);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.asin("string");
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : -1.5707963267948965
Second Test Value : 0
Third Test Value : NaN
Fourth Test Value : NaN 
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This method returns the arctangent in radians of a number. The atan method returns a numeric value between -pi/2 and pi/2 radians.


Math.atan( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A number.

Return Value:

Returns the arctangent in radians of a number.


<title>JavaScript Math atan() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.atan(-1);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.atan(.5);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.atan(30);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.atan("string");
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : -0.7853981633974483
Second Test Value : 0.4636476090008061
Third Test Value : 1.5374753309166493
Fourth Test Value : NaN 
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This method returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments. The atan2 method returns a numeric value between -pi and pi representing the angle theta of an (x,y) point.


Math.atan2( x, y ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x and y : Numbers.

Return Value:

Returns the arctangent in radians of a number.
Math.atan2( ±0, -0 ) returns ±PI.
Math.atan2( ±0, +0 ) returns ±0.
Math.atan2( ±0, -x ) returns ±PI for x < 0.
Math.atan2( ±0, x ) returns ±0 for x > 0.
Math.atan2( y, ±0 ) returns -PI/2 for y > 0.
Math.atan2( ±y, -Infinity ) returns ±PI for finite y > 0.
Math.atan2( ±y, +Infinity ) returns ±0 for finite y > 0.
Math.atan2( ±Infinity, +x ) returns ±PI/2 for finite x.
Math.atan2( ±Infinity, -Infinity ) returns ±3*PI/4.
Math.atan2( ±Infinity, +Infinity ) returns ±PI/4.


<title>JavaScript Math atan2() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.atan2(90,15);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.atan2(15,90);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.atan2(0, -0);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.atan2(+Infinity, -Infinity);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 1.4056476493802698
Second Test Value : 0.16514867741462683
Third Test Value : 3.141592653589793
Fourth Test Value : 2.356194490192345 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
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This method returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.


Math.ceil( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A numbers.

Return Value:

Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.


<title>JavaScript Math ceil() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.ceil(45.95);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.ceil(45.20);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.ceil(-45.95);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.ceil(-45.20);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 46
Second Test Value : 46
Third Test Value : -45
Fourth Test Value : -45 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
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This method returns the cosine of a number. The cos method returns a numeric value between -1 and 1, which represents the cosine of the angle.


Math.cos( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A numbers.

Return Value:

Returns the cosine of a number.


<title>JavaScript Math cos() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.cos(90);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.cos(30);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.cos(-1);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.cos(2*Math.PI);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : -0.4480736161291701
Second Test Value : 0.15425144988758405
Third Test Value : 0.5403023058681398
Fourth Test Value : 1 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
+JavaScript's and More, Software and Marketing +JavascriptU +JavaScriptOn 
+Javascript Problems +JavaScriptOn 
 +javaScript is a creek in West Virginia in the summe  
+enJineS +JavascriptU +Javascript Tutor   


This method returns Ex, where x is the argument, and E is Euler's constant, the base of the natural logarithms.


Math.exp( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A numbers.

Return Value:

Returns the exponential value of the variable x


<title>JavaScript Math exp() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.exp(1);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.exp(30);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.exp(-1);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.exp(.5);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 2.718281828459045
Second Test Value : 10686474581524.462
Third Test Value : 0.36787944117144233
Fourth Test Value : 1.6487212707001282 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
+JavaScript's and More, Software and Marketing +JavascriptU +JavaScriptOn 
+Javascript Problems +JavaScriptOn 
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+enJineS +JavascriptU +Javascript Tutor   


This method returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.


Math.floor( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A numbers.

Return Value:

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number x.


<title>JavaScript Math floor() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.floor(10.3);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.floor(30.9);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.floor(-2.9);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.floor(-2.2);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 10
Second Test Value : 30
Third Test Value : -3
Fourth Test Value : -3 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
+JavaScript's and More, Software and Marketing +JavascriptU +JavaScriptOn 
+Javascript Problems +JavaScriptOn 
 +javaScript is a creek in West Virginia in the summe  
+enJineS +JavascriptU +Javascript Tutor   


This method returns the natural logarithm (base E) of a number. If the value of number is negative, the return value is always NaN.


Math.log( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x : A numbers.

Return Value:

Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of a number.


<title>JavaScript Math log() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.log(10);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.log(0);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.log(-1);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.log(100);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 2.302585092994046
Second Test Value : -Infinity
Third Test Value : NaN
Fourth Test Value : 4.605170185988092 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
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+Javascript Problems +JavaScriptOn 
 +javaScript is a creek in West Virginia in the summe  
+enJineS +JavascriptU +Javascript Tutor   


This method returns the largest of zero or more numbers. If no arguments are given, the results is -Infinity


Math.max(value1, value2, ... valueN ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • value1, value2, ... valueN : Numbers.

Return Value:

Returns the largest of zero or more numbers.


<title>JavaScript Math max() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.max(10, 20, -1, 100);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.max(-1, -3, -40);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.max(0, -1);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.max(100);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 100
Second Test Value : -1
Third Test Value : 0
Fourth Test Value : 100 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
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+enJineS +JavascriptU +Javascript Tutor   


This method returns the smallest of zero or more numbers. If no arguments are given, the results is +Infinity


Math.min(value1, value2, ... valueN ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • value1, value2, ... valueN : Numbers.

Return Value:

Returns the largest of zero or more numbers.


<title>JavaScript Math min() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.min(10, 20, -1, 100);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.min(-1, -3, -40);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.min(0, -1);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.min(100);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : -1
Second Test Value : -40
Third Test Value : -1
Fourth Test Value : 100 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
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This method returns the base to the exponent power, that is, baseexponent.


Math.pow(base, exponent ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • base : The base number.
  • exponents : The exponent to which to raise base.

Return Value:

Returns the base to the exponent power, that is, baseexponent.


<title>JavaScript Math pow() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.pow(7, 2);
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.pow(8, 8);
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.pow(-1, 2);
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.pow(0, 10);
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 49
Second Test Value : 16777216
Third Test Value : 1
Fourth Test Value : 0 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
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+Javascript Problems +JavaScriptOn 
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+enJineS +JavascriptU +Javascript Tutor   


This method returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)


Math.random() ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • NA

Return Value:

Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)


<title>JavaScript Math random() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.random( );
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.random( );
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.random( );
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.random( );
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 
This will produce following result:
First Test Value : 0.28182050319352636
Second Test Value : 0.6375786089661319
Third Test Value : 0.6780129774072902
Fourth Test Value : 0.7310958163154001 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
+JavaScript's and More, Software and Marketing +JavascriptU +JavaScriptOn 
+Javascript Problems +JavaScriptOn 
 +javaScript is a creek in West Virginia in the summe  
+enJineS +JavascriptU +Javascript Tutor  


This method returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.


Math.round( x ) ;
Here is the detail of parameters:
  • x: A number

Return Value:

Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.


<title>JavaScript Math round() Method</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var value = Math.round( 0.5 );
document.write("First Test Value : " + value ); 
var value = Math.round( 20.7 );
document.write("<br />Second Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.round( 20.3 );
document.write("<br />Third Test Value : " + value ); 

var value = Math.round( -20.3 );
document.write("<br />Fourth Test Value : " + value ); 

This will produce following result:

First Test Value : 1
Second Test Value : 21
Third Test Value : 20
Fourth Test Value : -20 
+JavaScript +JavaScript Frameworks Links +Javascript Development 
+JavaScript's and More, Software and Marketing +JavascriptU +JavaScriptOn 
+Javascript Problems +JavaScriptOn 
 +javaScript is a creek in West Virginia in the summe  
+enJineS +JavascriptU +Javascript Tutor   
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